Friday 29 November 2019

The Benefits of a Project Management Software for Web Designers

The reasons why a webpage might need redesigning could be rather varied. The page might be part of a rebranding process; it might need to be more user friendly; maybe the focus of the business has changed or the website might simply be outdated.

In any of these cases, the idea is to change the website without losing SEO. It’s a big project and as a web design company, it is probably something that you are asked to do frequently.
So how to handle this is the most efficient way is a question that should be on your mind.

The whole process will go through several stages and we highly recommend the use of a good Project Management Software Tool to help you streamline it all. It spares you from communication breakdown both with customers and team members ; it allows for accurate time tracking of the project, it ensures accurate budgeting and last but not least it just takes all the hard work out of a complex project. You can focus on getting it done rather than throwing your hands up in frustration while trying to manage it all. On top of that, it will save you a good amount of money in the long run.

Because we suspect redesigning a website is something you do on a regular basis, we recommend setting up a template with all the required steps. All that’s needed when the time comes, is fine-tune the specifics (budget, time needed) and customize any steps as required. The point is that there’s no need to do the same work over and over again.

 What are the steps that you might like to see in your template?

1.      Pre-launch-Prepare
a.      Set-up a temporary URL for developing and testing.
b.      Create a new password protected Robots.txt file.
2.      Per-Launch-Analyse and Clean up the old site
a.      Analyse website and bench mark current metrics such as bounce rate, traffic, ranking for post-launch comparison.
b.      Crawl the old site and audit it. Check for missing image alt tags, titles, meta descriptions etc.
c.       Make a list of all the backlinks. (This will be very useful later on.)
d.      Map all the keywords. Review the keyword strategy. Replace where necessary.
e.      Fix broken internal and external links.
f.        Remove meta keywords
3.      Pre-Launch-Design new webpage
a.      Check if the server supports the new site.
b.      Review all the titles. Are they SEO friendly? Unique?
c.       Write content and proofread
d.      Make sure all URL’s are as short as possible.
e.      Check for blank pages
f.        Map 301 URL, make a redirect list and redirect.
                                                              i.            Check static content URLs such as images and videos. Redirect if needed.
                                                             ii.            Redirect deleted pages
                                                           iii.            Prioritize URLs. Use Analytics to decide on the most important pages.
g.      Plan a CMS.
h.      Check all HTML annotations for all pages. Add or update as needed.
i.        Check that each page has a self-directing canonical tag.
j.        Prepare a site map
k.       Check mobile compatibility
l.        Check page speed
m.    Check the sizes of the images
n.      Check all terms and conditions, contact details and about pages for accuracy.
o.      Create a good 404 page that suits the company’s style.
p.      Introduce share buttons and Subscribe buttons where needed.

4.      Launch
a.      Do a visual inspection of the site
b.      Have a warning message ready in case something goes wrong
c.       Start tracking the website ranking. Insert Google Analytics tracking tags  etc. Set Analytics goals
d.      Launch the new website during a low traffic time of the day (after midnight for instance)
e.      Remove any passwords that were set previously. Also check the Robots.txt file.
f.         Set-up all 301 redirects from the old website to the new one.
g.      Submit site map to Google and Bing
h.      Check orphan pages 404
i.        Check for broken links

5.      Post-Launch
a.      Check and fix search console errors
b.      Crawl the site and audit it
c.       Check server logs for 404 pages
d.      Update Social Media URLs
e.      Update backlinks
f.        Compare traffic, SEO ranking with previous website
g.      Just keep monitoring

 Here's a few more tips that may be helpful when redesigning a website:

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